

JSU网站 > 大阳城集团99aa研究生部 > 研究生院地位委员会
  • GRADUATE教员职责




    ·    可能教授大阳城集团99aa

    ·    supervise  masters', specialist and doctoral committees

    ·    serve on masters', specialist and doctoral committees





    ·    可能教授大阳城集团99aa

    ·    supervise masters', specialist and doctoral committees

    ·    serve on masters', specialist and doctoral committees





    ·    可能教授大阳城集团99aa

    ·    co-supervise masters', specialist and doctoral committees

    ·    serve on masters', specialist and doctoral committees




    ·    可能教授大阳城集团99aa

    ·    serve on masters', specialist, and doctoral committees


I.         全体研究生教师


A.   在他们的教学领域持有最终学位

B.    Hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor

C.    Have at least five (5) years of experience in higher education including graduate teaching

D.   Have directed graduate student research in the 最近五(5)年

E.    在?期间发表过研究和学术著作 最近五(5)年,或有类似的创意作品

F.    Provide documentation of current involvement in research and/or creative works

1.     In disciplines where publication is the traditional outlet for scholarly work or research, the applicant must provide evidence of significant publications appearing under the imprint of recognized scholarly publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals.   

2.     在美术等学科中, where publication is not the normal or singular end product, the applicant must provide evidence of creative works accomplished during the 最近五(5)年.  Presentation of creative works must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.


II.  副研究生院


A.        在他们的教学领域持有最终学位, or a closely related field with academic qualifications of at least 18 hours.

B.        Hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor

C.        Have taught at the graduate level for at least three (3) years.

D.        Have attained a high degree of proficiency as a teacher and as a scholar (scholarly attainment is demonstrated by recognized research or creative works).

E.        Have published research and scholarly work, or have demonstrated comparable, creative works.

F.        Provide documentation of current involvement in research and/or creative works.

1.    In disciplines where publication is the normal outlet for scholarly work or research, the faculty member must provide evidence of significant publications appearing under the imprint of recognized scholarly publishing houses or journals.  Publication must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.

2.    在美术等学科中 where publication is not the normal or singular end product, the faculty member must provide evidence of creative works accomplished during the last three (3) years.  Presentation of creative works must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.


3.       研究生助教


A.   Hold the doctorate or a degree that is terminal in the area of instruction, or a closely related field with academic qualifications of 18 graduate hours, or a combination of a terminal degree with professional qualifications in the field of application

B.    Hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor

C.    去年有没有教过大阳城集团99aa

D.   Have attained proficiency as a teacher and as a scholar (scholarly work is demonstrated by recognized research or creative works)

E.    Indicate current involvement in research and/or creative works

F.    Have published research and scholarly work, or have demonstrated comparable creative work(s)

1.     In disciplines where publication is the normal outlet for scholarly work or research, the faculty member must provide evidence of significant publications appearing under the imprint of recognized scholarly publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals.  Publication must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.

2.     在美术等学科中 where publication is not the normal or singular end product, the faculty member must provide evidence of creative works accomplished during the 最近五(5)年.  Presentation of creative works must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process. 

IV.       兼职研究生院

Adjunct members of the graduate faculty are temporary and/or part-time professionals appointed to meet the University's need in their area of expertise and must

A.   Hold the doctorate or a degree that is terminal in area of instruction or field of study

B.    Hold the rank of Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor

C.    Indicate current involvement in research and/or creative works

D.   Have published research and scholarly work,或有类似的创意作品

1.   In disciplines where publication is the normal outlet for scholarly work or research, the faculty member must provide evidence of significant publications appearing under the imprint of recognized scholarly publishing houses or peer-reviewed journals.  Publication must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.

2.    在美术等学科中 where publication is not the normal or singular end product, the faculty member must provide evidence of creative work accomplished during the last five years.  Presentation of creative work must have resulted from a judgment of quality through a peer-reviewed process.